Friday, May 13, 2011

My Life...In a Nutshell

I know it has basically been forever since I last wrote so I thought that it is probably about time for an update. That is if you are even still following my blog because you’ve most likely given up hope about me ever writing again. But, hey, life gets a little busy. Since I’m out of school officially now I actually had a moment to catch up, so here it goes…my top 5 recent life happenings in a nutshell…

1.I had a birthday. I am no longer a teenager anymore. I told my dad, “Hey dad! I beat teenage pregnancy once and for all!” He only found it slightly funny.

Shelby got me cupcakes from the TLC show, DC cupcakes. Greatest gift ever. Here's the whole family modeling a few of them.

2.One of my very best friends here at school who happens to be a Resident Director of one of the female dorms, not only got into a relationship with a Resident Director of one of the male dorms, but she also got engaged in the same month! Crazy I know…but they are pretty awesome and they are both going to be leading my upcoming India mission trip.

Here’s a picture of me and my lovely friend and bride-to-be, Melissa

Here’s Melissa surrounded by excited students on campus following her ring ceremony where she announced that she was engaged!

3.I got a boyfriend. Surprising, I know. But here he is. I kind of like him a little bit.

Scott and I – his hair isn’t this wooly anymore. He got it cut. Just so you know.

4.I have 2 new sisters that I never had before. The Stubbs’ family works here at the college and their two daughters Tressa and Taylor have recently become sisters to me. Through some crazy events (like a bridal shower that was held at their farm) and God’s incredible blessings, I have two more sisters I didn’t have before. Now combined with my other best friend/sister from school, Adrianna (who goes by the nickname “Baller”), we are a little family of four. We love hanging out at their farm and just being girls! I thank God every day for placing these wonderful ladies in my life.
Check out Tressa's blog at and Linda Stubbs' blog at

Here are my sisters - Baller, Taylor, and Tressa

This is the group of girls at the bridal shower at the Stubbs family farm

Baller and I

Tressa and I - Don't judge me. I have problems with squinting when I smile for pictures.

5.India. I leave in 19 days. Indeed, 19. I am pretty nervous but very excited. Prayers leading up to our departure and continued through my 2 weeks there would be greatly appreciated. I will post an update about the team and trip in a couple of days including specific prayer requests from the team. Just promise to be thinking and praying for us! We will be doing some incredible things for God’s Kingdom! Follow us on our blog before, during, and after our travels at:

Here’s the team…or some of it. We have a few more and a few less members now, but at least you can be seeing some faces of who is going.

That’s all that I have for my top 5 recent life happenings in a nutshell, but I thought I would throw in a bonus story. It is a typical “unfortunate event in the life of Courtney” story. So Enjoy.

I was driving back to school from the Stubbs' farm. It was dark because it was late at night. I turned off my bright headlights because there was a car coming my direction. I thought the car had its blinker on. Actually it had its hazard lights on warning me of something I assumed. I kept my eyes open thinking maybe he had just hit a deer or seen a deer so I was very alert in checking the ditches. As soon as the car passed I turned my bright headlights back on to have just enough time to break and swerve from hitting a horse right in front of me. Yes, a horse. Not Yankee Doodle’s pony, a full sized horse. And it was just leisurely walking down the middle of my lane while I was speeding its direction at 60 miles per hour. I’m still not sure how I missed hitting the horse, but I’m glad I did. I think it makes for an interesting story though. No one is expecting you to say “I almost hit a…HORSE.” Sorry I don’t have a photo to go with this story. I hardly had time to react let alone snap a picture of this horse for proof of its happening.

That is all. Until next time…



  1. I feel honored to be in this post. : ) I am so blessed to have new sisters! Love you!
    P.S. Since you got your post up before me, I'm feeling a bit more motivated to get mine up.

  2. Awww, I heart you sweet girl! You never knew that you were the answer to my pray that I had been praying for a very long long time! If we are patient and wait on the Lord He has so many treasures for us to find while we are here on this earth and you definitely are one of those TREASURES.

    I love your as high as the sky and will be so happy when I see your sweet little face driving up our driveway this summer!!!! You are invited any time. Bring your family,
    Love you, me

  3. I wish there was a 'love' button for both of these comments. You both are just incredible and I'm blessed to have you in my life!!

  4. Hey Ms. Courtney! What a great blog full of fun-court-facts~! Enjoyed catching up some things about you. Bet you are glad to have another school year under your belt . . . .safe journey to India - what a great experience. Better see you this summer. So glad you missed the horse and Scott is cute! God bless and much love, ~Aunt Lynda
