Sunday, March 21, 2010


I'm Courtney and I'm directionally challenged...and I'm no longer afraid to admit it.
I can't get anywhere without getting completely and utterly disoriented and plain lost.

But...let me tell you...there is hope!
Today, I got an early birthday present...yes, a 2 week early birthday present...
It was a GPS!!! Now I can no longer possibly get lost again right?...well, we'll see I guess! It's a pretty good sign though that I am even more directionally challenged than I originally thought seeing as my parents thought I needed the GPS 2 weeks early...
Oh well...gone are the days of questioning each and every turn I make...gone are the days of being afraid to seek out new destinations...gone are the days of calling my dad blubbering and sobbing in need of directions because I managed to get myself lost again...gone are all of those days!

Today starts a new chapter in my life! A chapter without fear! A chapter in which I am not afraid to take on any adventure! Bring on the open road!

Godsend moment you ask?...always!
"'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the LORD, 'and will bring you back from captivity...'" -Jeremiah 29:13-14a
Many times we are afraid to seek God, just like we can be afraid when we get lost driving somewhere new. But, we don't have to be lost when we have God. He is our GPS if we allow Him to be--always leading us in the right direction. If we put all of our trust in Him and seek with all of our heart, we can never get lost...He will find us always, rescuing us from being lost. Put your faith in God--let Him be your GPS--He will never disappoint you or lead you astray. We may have once been lost, but in Him, we are found!


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