Hello there! Yes, I’m still alive—no worries. I have just been consumed by obligations at school. People think that being an art major leaves a lot of free time for pleasure, but what they don’t realize is how many hours a week I spend in the studio working when they don’t even know! But, I am absolutely loving school and loving my major. So I guess that’s all that matters.
Sorry I haven’t updated in a while…I have been so busy. I even told my parents that if I posted a new blog post then they needed to sit me down and have a talk because I obviously don’t have my priorities straight. Luckily that was not necessary.
So the most eventful news in my life lately is that I am indeed still a klutz, but I can’t help what has been bred into my DNA. Back at the end of October I was working with the Marketing department at school on a photo shoot for the website. We were doing some jumping photos off of a set of stairs. After approximately 20 times, we were finally done and I realized that my foot kind of hurt. Well, I waited to get it checked out by a doctor for a whole month and by then my injury had become 2 stress fractures. So I was told that I had to wear this fancy Velcro walking boot for a month. A whole stinking month. A few days later I twisted my foot weird inside of the boot and heard a loud pop. That pop was one of the stress fractures becoming a full crack in the bone. Things were only getting worse. Now I had to use crutches. I’m doing better now though. I’m walking in the boot again and hopefully I get it off next week. But leave it to me, yes, leave it to me to fracture my foot jumping off of stairs. I guess that’s what I get for living life on the edge.
Here's a list of random facts I have recently discovered about myself:
1. All of my life I thought I hated popcorn. But, now I am officially addicted. I don't know if it is actually the popcorn itself that I like or the tasty seasonings and salt on the outside. Probably the latter.
2. Tater tots are my all time greatest comfort food. Sonic tater tots to be exact.
3. Playing the piano is very soothing. It brings my soul great joy.
4. Fireplaces make me think of Christmastime. And I really like Christmas.
5. I love smiling. Smiling is my favorite.
I have had an abundance of godsend in my life lately despite my little injury. God has recently nudged me on an overseas mission trip. Of all places, He is nudging me to go to India. I’m so excited to see God moving in my life in this way, not to mention a little bit nervous…it’s India…and, it’s my first overseas mission trip. I am ecstatic to begin the process of preparation with my teammates and learning about this new culture. I will be leaving on June 1st and will be gone for 2 weeks. Please keep me in your prayers during this time as I prepare for this newest calling in my life. I guess I'm all about adventure...and I seek to live my life on the edge!
Welcome to a place of random funny things that happen to me as well as epiphanies and life lessons I gain from those experiences. It is a place where I can share my faith, but also spread laughter and cheer...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Start of Something New
As I sit here and write this long-awaited post, I am imagining myself typing this while laying on the grassy green lawn 2 floors below me, basking in the sunshine, and hearing the birds singing melodies to each other. The cool fall breeze is gently making my hair wave to students walking on the sidewalk nearby. Ideally, this is where I’d like to be.
In all actuality, I am sitting in my dorm room, surrounded by fluorescent lighting and the never ceasing hum of the ceiling fan.
Welcome to reality.
Welcome to college.
College really isn’t so horrible though. I have in fact had many-a-liberating experiences thus far this year. Let me fill you in, since I know you are dying to hear.
On only my second day here at school this year, two girlfriends and I decided that we wanted to get some good use out of our bikes, so we took a bike ride. Not just any bike ride though. We took an hour and a half long bike ride around the good old town of Sterling.
Let’s just pause for a moment and analyze this situation, okay?
We rode bikes for an hour and a half.
There are people who ride bikes across the state, or across the country at that.
And, I am sad to admit that I only rode for an hour and a half and yelped in pain when I wiped after going to the bathroom the next day.
Bikes equal pain.
Kudos to the cross-country bikers.
I don’t know how they do it.
The second experience happened midway through our bike ride. We took a break to rest our tired legs when I happened to see a little toad hopping across the sidewalk. Of course I couldn’t resist holding such a cute creature, so I chased it until I had captured it and held it captive between clasped hands. It was then that I had the brilliant idea of showing one of the girls my hostage. As I held the little toad by his ribcage, he suddenly decided to take a pee all over my hand.
I was not happy.
I continued to hold my captive while freaking out about the fact that my hands were soiled with toad pee.
It was then, that the toad decided to pee again. This time it was projectile pee. And it still got all over me.
Before I finally put my hostage back where I had found him, he peed on my fingers a total of three times. I sadly let my friend go, and complained the whole rest of the bike ride about how my hands were sticky. I guess that’s what I get for trying to pick on people.
My third experience is one in which I am quite proud of. I have left a legacy on this campus already. I decided that I would be really cool (and also really liberated) if I were to dye a chunk of my hair blonde and then put a color strip in it.
So I did.
I dyed a portion of my hair teal.
I thought I was so cool.
Unknowingly, I later found out that just one day before I had this brilliant idea, some girls had put magenta (they said it was pink, but I still think it was magenta) in their hair. These same girls saw my teal the next day and went crazy. They loved it.
So, that night I had a hair dyeing party in my 8 x 8 bathroom with 10 lovely ladies in which I gave them strips of teal in their hair to offset the magenta.
Yes, I was cool.
My final experience occurred with the same group of girls who I dyed hair with. All I’m going to say is this. Use your imagination:
6 girls.
The Arkansas River.
2:30 in the morning.
No clothes.
Liberating? I think so.
Well, I don’t have a ton as far as godsend goes, but I do want to mention how excited I am about this year and the ways that God is working on this campus. This year feels so different. There is such an incredible vibe around here and I love it. God has blessed me with some great friends who aren’t afraid to go deep in their faith, and I can’t wait to see where God is going to take them this year, with me as a mentor helping them along the way. My biggest prayer thus far has been to be able to experience God’s love so much each day that it overwhelms me. That I can experience God’s love so much that it spills on to those around me. That people who don’t even know that I am a Christian will know just by the way that I live my life and the way that I show love—the way that I spill love on to those around me. I encourage you to pray for this in your own life. If you do, life will never be the same. Believe me.
In all actuality, I am sitting in my dorm room, surrounded by fluorescent lighting and the never ceasing hum of the ceiling fan.
Welcome to reality.
Welcome to college.
College really isn’t so horrible though. I have in fact had many-a-liberating experiences thus far this year. Let me fill you in, since I know you are dying to hear.
On only my second day here at school this year, two girlfriends and I decided that we wanted to get some good use out of our bikes, so we took a bike ride. Not just any bike ride though. We took an hour and a half long bike ride around the good old town of Sterling.
Let’s just pause for a moment and analyze this situation, okay?
We rode bikes for an hour and a half.
There are people who ride bikes across the state, or across the country at that.
And, I am sad to admit that I only rode for an hour and a half and yelped in pain when I wiped after going to the bathroom the next day.
Bikes equal pain.
Kudos to the cross-country bikers.
I don’t know how they do it.
The second experience happened midway through our bike ride. We took a break to rest our tired legs when I happened to see a little toad hopping across the sidewalk. Of course I couldn’t resist holding such a cute creature, so I chased it until I had captured it and held it captive between clasped hands. It was then that I had the brilliant idea of showing one of the girls my hostage. As I held the little toad by his ribcage, he suddenly decided to take a pee all over my hand.
I was not happy.
I continued to hold my captive while freaking out about the fact that my hands were soiled with toad pee.
It was then, that the toad decided to pee again. This time it was projectile pee. And it still got all over me.
Before I finally put my hostage back where I had found him, he peed on my fingers a total of three times. I sadly let my friend go, and complained the whole rest of the bike ride about how my hands were sticky. I guess that’s what I get for trying to pick on people.
My third experience is one in which I am quite proud of. I have left a legacy on this campus already. I decided that I would be really cool (and also really liberated) if I were to dye a chunk of my hair blonde and then put a color strip in it.
So I did.
I dyed a portion of my hair teal.
I thought I was so cool.
Unknowingly, I later found out that just one day before I had this brilliant idea, some girls had put magenta (they said it was pink, but I still think it was magenta) in their hair. These same girls saw my teal the next day and went crazy. They loved it.
So, that night I had a hair dyeing party in my 8 x 8 bathroom with 10 lovely ladies in which I gave them strips of teal in their hair to offset the magenta.
Yes, I was cool.
My final experience occurred with the same group of girls who I dyed hair with. All I’m going to say is this. Use your imagination:
6 girls.
The Arkansas River.
2:30 in the morning.
No clothes.
Liberating? I think so.
Well, I don’t have a ton as far as godsend goes, but I do want to mention how excited I am about this year and the ways that God is working on this campus. This year feels so different. There is such an incredible vibe around here and I love it. God has blessed me with some great friends who aren’t afraid to go deep in their faith, and I can’t wait to see where God is going to take them this year, with me as a mentor helping them along the way. My biggest prayer thus far has been to be able to experience God’s love so much each day that it overwhelms me. That I can experience God’s love so much that it spills on to those around me. That people who don’t even know that I am a Christian will know just by the way that I live my life and the way that I show love—the way that I spill love on to those around me. I encourage you to pray for this in your own life. If you do, life will never be the same. Believe me.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Finale to a Chapter...The Intro to Another
As my summer quickly comes to a close, I decided to do a little recap of the more interesting events that have happened that I failed to write about previously:
I recently had a check-up on my sinuses from my surgery in May. The doctor said that all looked good, but that he wanted to remove a “little bit” of crusting that had formed. He proceeds to stick two different instruments into my nostril and begins yanking on some foreign object in my nose. He then pulls out a “crust” that was a good inch long and a half inch wide. My reaction? “That’s the biggest fricking booger I have ever seen!”
Also this summer, my mom and I embarked on an adventure. Not just any adventure. This adventure was special. It was an adventure to find the best caramel sundae in the good ‘ol state of Kansas. Our journey took us all over the state to various locations including: Dairy Queen, Braum’s, McDonald’s, and many other various locations that I cannot seem to remember at the moment. We even made homemade caramel sundaes. The verdict? The best caramel sundae hands down was found at a little shack called the “Dairy Dump” among students and is located on the corner of Broadway and Garfield in the big town of Sterling. Yes, right in my own home away from home, I discovered the best caramel sundae in Kansas. I challenge you to try one. You’ll never find a better one. I swear by it.
My roommate will be proud of me. This summer I finally found a solution to my snooze-button addiction on my alarm clock. I have been known to "snooze" for up to an hour...and my ringtone is "Mamma Mia"...so you can imagine that that get a bit annoying after the first snooze. I pity my roommate...I really do. But, no worries, because after years of searching I have found a solution! I have tried everything in my repertoire of weaponry, including putting thumbtacks on my alarm so I could not push the snooze button. I have even tried putting my alarm across the room so that I have to get out of bed to turn it off. All of my attempts have failed...until now. I have discovered that if I drink a full glass of water before I go to bed, I will have to pee in the morning...quite badly in fact. And, I have trouble ignoring a full bladder. Problem solved...well at least until my newfound trick causes me to wet the bed someday...
Finally…all of my adventures led up to the biggest adventure of the summer—something that I have been wanting to learn how to do for years. During this very summer, my good friend Andrew took it upon himself to teach me to drive a stick-shift. And believe it or not…I didn’t do half bad. I think I impressed myself actually. I went several miles before I even killed it for the first time. And, my wonderful instructor, Andrew, was an expert at staying calm. If I were him I would have been a little bit nervous when his student started screaming, "Oh crap, oh crap! There's a car coming towards us! What do I do!?" on only my third mile of driving. He calmly answered, "Move to the side of the road..." What a great teacher! The only other traumatic incident occured when I thought I had the starting and stopping down and got a bit overconfident. I stopped at a stop sign and when I tried to start, I killed it a total of 8 times in a row, which landed me in the middle of the intersection with oncoming traffic headed my way. Yeah, I was freaking out. But again, Andrew saved me...he even realized at the end of our lesson that I had been driving the whole time with the emergency break on. THAT was NOT my fault...but, it does explain the strange popping sound we kept hearing... All in all I only killed it 30 times over the course of our 20 mile journey on the country roads—not too bad for a rookie! I guess it’s not too late to drop out of college and get into Nascar… After I finished driving though, I looked under my wet feeling armpits, only to find that I had sweat tacos—and, I was wearing a tank top—a.k.a. that is a LOT of sweat! I guess I was a bit more nervous than I realized.

For my godsend, I really want to spend a little bit of time reflecting. As I look back on my summer, I am forced to look ahead to my future as well. As this marks the end of a chapter in my life story, I am given the opportunity to be the author of the next chapter. And although I may be a sophomore this year, I realize that I am still going to very much be a freshman. A wise man whom I happen to call “dad,” always reminded me while growing up that I should not be afraid to be a freshman. We are always freshman. Every time we experience new situations or meet new people, we are freshman again. Even though I am not going to technically be a “freshman,” I have accepted that I am in fact a freshman, but I have no reason to fear the unknown because I have God guiding me through each new situation. I must be willing to give up my control and place all trust in Him. It is then that I can do all things.
I recently had a check-up on my sinuses from my surgery in May. The doctor said that all looked good, but that he wanted to remove a “little bit” of crusting that had formed. He proceeds to stick two different instruments into my nostril and begins yanking on some foreign object in my nose. He then pulls out a “crust” that was a good inch long and a half inch wide. My reaction? “That’s the biggest fricking booger I have ever seen!”
Also this summer, my mom and I embarked on an adventure. Not just any adventure. This adventure was special. It was an adventure to find the best caramel sundae in the good ‘ol state of Kansas. Our journey took us all over the state to various locations including: Dairy Queen, Braum’s, McDonald’s, and many other various locations that I cannot seem to remember at the moment. We even made homemade caramel sundaes. The verdict? The best caramel sundae hands down was found at a little shack called the “Dairy Dump” among students and is located on the corner of Broadway and Garfield in the big town of Sterling. Yes, right in my own home away from home, I discovered the best caramel sundae in Kansas. I challenge you to try one. You’ll never find a better one. I swear by it.
My roommate will be proud of me. This summer I finally found a solution to my snooze-button addiction on my alarm clock. I have been known to "snooze" for up to an hour...and my ringtone is "Mamma Mia"...so you can imagine that that get a bit annoying after the first snooze. I pity my roommate...I really do. But, no worries, because after years of searching I have found a solution! I have tried everything in my repertoire of weaponry, including putting thumbtacks on my alarm so I could not push the snooze button. I have even tried putting my alarm across the room so that I have to get out of bed to turn it off. All of my attempts have failed...until now. I have discovered that if I drink a full glass of water before I go to bed, I will have to pee in the morning...quite badly in fact. And, I have trouble ignoring a full bladder. Problem solved...well at least until my newfound trick causes me to wet the bed someday...
Finally…all of my adventures led up to the biggest adventure of the summer—something that I have been wanting to learn how to do for years. During this very summer, my good friend Andrew took it upon himself to teach me to drive a stick-shift. And believe it or not…I didn’t do half bad. I think I impressed myself actually. I went several miles before I even killed it for the first time. And, my wonderful instructor, Andrew, was an expert at staying calm. If I were him I would have been a little bit nervous when his student started screaming, "Oh crap, oh crap! There's a car coming towards us! What do I do!?" on only my third mile of driving. He calmly answered, "Move to the side of the road..." What a great teacher! The only other traumatic incident occured when I thought I had the starting and stopping down and got a bit overconfident. I stopped at a stop sign and when I tried to start, I killed it a total of 8 times in a row, which landed me in the middle of the intersection with oncoming traffic headed my way. Yeah, I was freaking out. But again, Andrew saved me...he even realized at the end of our lesson that I had been driving the whole time with the emergency break on. THAT was NOT my fault...but, it does explain the strange popping sound we kept hearing... All in all I only killed it 30 times over the course of our 20 mile journey on the country roads—not too bad for a rookie! I guess it’s not too late to drop out of college and get into Nascar… After I finished driving though, I looked under my wet feeling armpits, only to find that I had sweat tacos—and, I was wearing a tank top—a.k.a. that is a LOT of sweat! I guess I was a bit more nervous than I realized.
For my godsend, I really want to spend a little bit of time reflecting. As I look back on my summer, I am forced to look ahead to my future as well. As this marks the end of a chapter in my life story, I am given the opportunity to be the author of the next chapter. And although I may be a sophomore this year, I realize that I am still going to very much be a freshman. A wise man whom I happen to call “dad,” always reminded me while growing up that I should not be afraid to be a freshman. We are always freshman. Every time we experience new situations or meet new people, we are freshman again. Even though I am not going to technically be a “freshman,” I have accepted that I am in fact a freshman, but I have no reason to fear the unknown because I have God guiding me through each new situation. I must be willing to give up my control and place all trust in Him. It is then that I can do all things.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” –Isaiah 41:10
Sunday, June 20, 2010
It's All "Relative"...
Yesterday I had the chance to take part in a wonderful opportunity: a family reunion. You are probably laughing to yourself right now because society has turned the idea of families and family reunions upside down. But, let me tell you...honestly, it was wonderful. We had our reunion at a small lake of one of our relatives...and it was an absolute blast! It is just amazing to see the constant growth and branching out of our family. All in all, we had 43 attendees this year...and that is something to praise! The blessing of family and extended family is so amazing...and it is even more amazing that we are able to continue this in a society in which this kind of family closeness seems so rare. It's just great to see the kids growing up and to watch the torch of faith be passed down from generation to generation...it makes me wonder how much we could change the world if every family passed the torch to the next generation to the next, and the next. We would have such a large faith community--a faith family--that could do wonders in this world!
The best part of my day?...(aside from my skin getting its first look at the sun all summer)...was that I got to teach a fellow cousin of mine how to ride a jet ski. It was her first time on one, let alone driving. I drove first taking it easy since it was her first time. It was so fun to her her laughing behind me as we would bounce over the waves. Then it was her turn, and boy was that fun! She had quite the time figuring out the steering and keeping a constant speed, but that's what made it so fun...sometimes it takes the smallest things to give you uncontrollable giggles...and that's exactly what we had. We got to giggling so hard that she couldn't even drive. I just laid there on her back laughing harder than I have in a long time. By the time we brought the jet ski back we were grinning from ear to ear, despite the fact that our cheeks hurt so bad from smiling. It was a great time...and a much appreciated laugh!
Finally some godsend:
I ran across this verse today and found it very appropriate for my recent family adventures. It is a declaration of praise to the Lord. A praise so wonderful that we will shout out His faithfulness to all the world. We will pass the torch of faith to the next generation so that they might know of the Lord's great faithfulness. For me, this verse really spoke of the importance of family...without family, there would be no starting point to share and pass on our faith. Family is such a wonderful blessing and they have a special place in my heart and always will. Thanks to my family and extended family for passing the torch so that we might know of the Lord's great faithfulness and can sing of His great love forever! Praise the Lord!
The best part of my day?...(aside from my skin getting its first look at the sun all summer)...was that I got to teach a fellow cousin of mine how to ride a jet ski. It was her first time on one, let alone driving. I drove first taking it easy since it was her first time. It was so fun to her her laughing behind me as we would bounce over the waves. Then it was her turn, and boy was that fun! She had quite the time figuring out the steering and keeping a constant speed, but that's what made it so fun...sometimes it takes the smallest things to give you uncontrollable giggles...and that's exactly what we had. We got to giggling so hard that she couldn't even drive. I just laid there on her back laughing harder than I have in a long time. By the time we brought the jet ski back we were grinning from ear to ear, despite the fact that our cheeks hurt so bad from smiling. It was a great time...and a much appreciated laugh!
Finally some godsend:
"I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations." -Psalm 89:1
I ran across this verse today and found it very appropriate for my recent family adventures. It is a declaration of praise to the Lord. A praise so wonderful that we will shout out His faithfulness to all the world. We will pass the torch of faith to the next generation so that they might know of the Lord's great faithfulness. For me, this verse really spoke of the importance of family...without family, there would be no starting point to share and pass on our faith. Family is such a wonderful blessing and they have a special place in my heart and always will. Thanks to my family and extended family for passing the torch so that we might know of the Lord's great faithfulness and can sing of His great love forever! Praise the Lord!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Don't Cry Over Spilled Coffee
5:00 in the morning is early...
It is too early for any normal living, breathing creature to be awake let alone stirring--it is a commonly known rule of life. Yet, I was up at the early hour of 5:00 despite this rule. I was up because I went to breakfast with my dad. What a joyous experience that was. It was totally worth getting up at an early hour. And it all worked out because my tummy was full of deliciousness and I then got to go back to bed for another hour before going to work.
On my way to work I had one of my typical "Courtney mishaps." I thought I would hold my thermos full of coffee in my lap today rather than in the cup holder due to the closer proximity to my mouth... Well, I'm sure you can guess what happens next, but I'll tell you anyways. Yes, I drive a bit like a race car driver (I get where I'm going okay?)..and I rounded the corner too quickly apparently because for whatever reason, when I made that corner this morning my coffee spilled over onto my beautiful pink scrub pants. I was a bit upset...not so much about my pants...I was more upset about the fact that I drive the same every day and my coffee doesn't spill when it's in the cup holder, but the one day I hold it in my lap it spills...go figure. Then I had to walk into work and explain to my fellow employees that the wet stain on the crotch of my pants was not a result of me tinkling my pants, but that it was in fact coffee. And to say the least, this whole coffee-spilling-in-my-lap didn't help the fact that I did in fact have to tinkle quite badly...
But, by the end of the day, I ended up having 3 different life-altering revelations:
1. Wearing scrubs to work is the equivalent of "pajama day" every day.
2. Excessive amounts of coffee do horrific things to the digestive system.
3. New razor blades equal massive leg trauma.
Also this week, I began my summer college class. I was shocked to find out that I am one of four students in the whole class who is under the age of 23. This was a new concept for me...for once in my life as a student, I was part of the minority in the classroom.
We have now come to the wonderful time of godsend in which I will share a bible passage with you and try to connect it to my life somehow...
Even though the mishaps and troubles I experienced today were small, this passage helps me to see that even through experiencing small troubles, we are achieving an eternal glory. Instead of me letting those mishaps bring me down, I fixed my eyes on something greater--I fixed them on God. I let Him use those small instances to make me a stronger person, to help me learn to laugh at myself, and to help me realize that the only true power is in God. I couldn't even get to work in 5 minutes if He hadn't provided me with the opportunity to own a car...I couldn't even have poured my coffee in my mug this morning if I hadn't been blessed with the gift of arms. We take these things for granted each and every day, when instead we should be thanking Him for what we do have. We spend so much time grumbling about everything wrong in our lives rather than praising everything going right. Even if things suck now, no matter how big or small, He will use it somehow. The temporary pain is only temporary. Only God knows how He will use events unseen to us to bring Him eternal glory. That is something to really praise!...It almost makes me want to see how He will use tomorrow's mishaps to help shape me to be who He wants me to be...
It is too early for any normal living, breathing creature to be awake let alone stirring--it is a commonly known rule of life. Yet, I was up at the early hour of 5:00 despite this rule. I was up because I went to breakfast with my dad. What a joyous experience that was. It was totally worth getting up at an early hour. And it all worked out because my tummy was full of deliciousness and I then got to go back to bed for another hour before going to work.
On my way to work I had one of my typical "Courtney mishaps." I thought I would hold my thermos full of coffee in my lap today rather than in the cup holder due to the closer proximity to my mouth... Well, I'm sure you can guess what happens next, but I'll tell you anyways. Yes, I drive a bit like a race car driver (I get where I'm going okay?)..and I rounded the corner too quickly apparently because for whatever reason, when I made that corner this morning my coffee spilled over onto my beautiful pink scrub pants. I was a bit upset...not so much about my pants...I was more upset about the fact that I drive the same every day and my coffee doesn't spill when it's in the cup holder, but the one day I hold it in my lap it spills...go figure. Then I had to walk into work and explain to my fellow employees that the wet stain on the crotch of my pants was not a result of me tinkling my pants, but that it was in fact coffee. And to say the least, this whole coffee-spilling-in-my-lap didn't help the fact that I did in fact have to tinkle quite badly...
But, by the end of the day, I ended up having 3 different life-altering revelations:
1. Wearing scrubs to work is the equivalent of "pajama day" every day.
2. Excessive amounts of coffee do horrific things to the digestive system.
3. New razor blades equal massive leg trauma.
Also this week, I began my summer college class. I was shocked to find out that I am one of four students in the whole class who is under the age of 23. This was a new concept for me...for once in my life as a student, I was part of the minority in the classroom.
We have now come to the wonderful time of godsend in which I will share a bible passage with you and try to connect it to my life somehow...
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." -2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Even though the mishaps and troubles I experienced today were small, this passage helps me to see that even through experiencing small troubles, we are achieving an eternal glory. Instead of me letting those mishaps bring me down, I fixed my eyes on something greater--I fixed them on God. I let Him use those small instances to make me a stronger person, to help me learn to laugh at myself, and to help me realize that the only true power is in God. I couldn't even get to work in 5 minutes if He hadn't provided me with the opportunity to own a car...I couldn't even have poured my coffee in my mug this morning if I hadn't been blessed with the gift of arms. We take these things for granted each and every day, when instead we should be thanking Him for what we do have. We spend so much time grumbling about everything wrong in our lives rather than praising everything going right. Even if things suck now, no matter how big or small, He will use it somehow. The temporary pain is only temporary. Only God knows how He will use events unseen to us to bring Him eternal glory. That is something to really praise!...It almost makes me want to see how He will use tomorrow's mishaps to help shape me to be who He wants me to be...
Monday, June 7, 2010
You Know You Are a College Student When...
Okay, so I was bored the other day, so I sat down and compiled a list of 30 things that stand out in my mind as part of my first year as a college student--what an experience that was!
You know you are a college student when:
1. Going to bed at 2:00 in the morning is going to bed “early”
2. Your underwear and sock count dictate when it is time to finally do laundry
3. Eating cheap consists of Ramen Noodles in their many multitude of flavor options
4. Learning to eat your lunch in 10 minutes becomes a competition
5. Breakfast consists of a Rockstar and/or coffee
6. Your trash is overflowing
7. You can make 20 dollars last you for a month
8. You wear flip flops in the shower
9. Going to the library is a social event
10. Your trash is STILL overflowing
11. You have mastered the art of entertaining yourself with a rolling chair
12. You don’t remember the last time you washed your car
13. Procrastination runs your life
14. A bowl of cereal can easily become breakfast, lunch, AND dinner
15. It’s a tossup in the morning between showering or getting an extra 20 minutes of sleep
16. Bicycles are the primary mode of transportation
17. Paper bowls, plates, etc. are the way to go because you are “too busy” to wash dishes
18. Finding out that a class is cancelled makes you almost pee your pants with excitement
19. Everything breaks when you desperately need to use it (printer, microwave, etc.)
20. ALL food can be prepared in the microwave
21. Jeans become considered a means of “dressing up”
22. Watching 'Say Yes to the Dress' is much more entertaining than New Testament homework
23. You get up for class 10 minutes before it starts
24. Sprinting to class is your daily exercise
25. Wearing the same pair of jeans for 5 days in a row is acceptable
26. You’ve been known to not shower for 3 days
27. You’ve pulled more than 2 all-nighters per semester
28. Class size is cut in half on test days
29. Naps are highly anticipated
30. You have plenty of homework or other productive things to do, but you’d rather surf facebook or read this blog
I don't exactly have any godsend that directly relates to this wonderful list...I just know that God has supplies us with humorous experiences to help bring us joy. I'd be surprised if this didn't bring you even a hint of joy, because chances are, this brings back quite a few memories about your own college days...
I will include some godsend though...
This particular scripture has been on my heart for the past week especially since I have dedicated myself to a Christ-like attitude in all that I do. I have realized that it is possible to praise God in everything whether it be happy or sad. We can praise the Lord in all things because He has control of our lives. Everything that happens, happens for a reason. We have no reason to fear...which, is why we should use our breath to praise the Lord each and everyday because He loves and cares for us. The least we can do is thank and praise and glorify His precious name.
You know you are a college student when:
1. Going to bed at 2:00 in the morning is going to bed “early”
2. Your underwear and sock count dictate when it is time to finally do laundry
3. Eating cheap consists of Ramen Noodles in their many multitude of flavor options
4. Learning to eat your lunch in 10 minutes becomes a competition
5. Breakfast consists of a Rockstar and/or coffee
6. Your trash is overflowing
7. You can make 20 dollars last you for a month
8. You wear flip flops in the shower
9. Going to the library is a social event
10. Your trash is STILL overflowing
11. You have mastered the art of entertaining yourself with a rolling chair
12. You don’t remember the last time you washed your car
13. Procrastination runs your life
14. A bowl of cereal can easily become breakfast, lunch, AND dinner
15. It’s a tossup in the morning between showering or getting an extra 20 minutes of sleep
16. Bicycles are the primary mode of transportation
17. Paper bowls, plates, etc. are the way to go because you are “too busy” to wash dishes
18. Finding out that a class is cancelled makes you almost pee your pants with excitement
19. Everything breaks when you desperately need to use it (printer, microwave, etc.)
20. ALL food can be prepared in the microwave
21. Jeans become considered a means of “dressing up”
22. Watching 'Say Yes to the Dress' is much more entertaining than New Testament homework
23. You get up for class 10 minutes before it starts
24. Sprinting to class is your daily exercise
25. Wearing the same pair of jeans for 5 days in a row is acceptable
26. You’ve been known to not shower for 3 days
27. You’ve pulled more than 2 all-nighters per semester
28. Class size is cut in half on test days
29. Naps are highly anticipated
30. You have plenty of homework or other productive things to do, but you’d rather surf facebook or read this blog
I don't exactly have any godsend that directly relates to this wonderful list...I just know that God has supplies us with humorous experiences to help bring us joy. I'd be surprised if this didn't bring you even a hint of joy, because chances are, this brings back quite a few memories about your own college days...
I will include some godsend though...
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." -Psalm 150:6
This particular scripture has been on my heart for the past week especially since I have dedicated myself to a Christ-like attitude in all that I do. I have realized that it is possible to praise God in everything whether it be happy or sad. We can praise the Lord in all things because He has control of our lives. Everything that happens, happens for a reason. We have no reason to fear...which, is why we should use our breath to praise the Lord each and everyday because He loves and cares for us. The least we can do is thank and praise and glorify His precious name.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Got Godsend?
I realize that I have not written any godsend in my blog in a while. It is not because I have not had any--I assure you I have. Sadly, I honestly have no worthy excuse as to why I have not posted any godsend lately. But I plan to fix that right now--I will be providing you with some much anticipated godsend...and maybe a few giggles too...
This verse has been on my heart recently for one big reason: I want to experience a change of attitude so that I can be more like Christ in my daily living. This verse has pretty much consumed my every thought lately as I have been in a transitional phase from being a college student to being a college student home for the summer. I can honestly say that a month ago I was not at all looking forward to summer. I already knew that it was not going to be exciting...I used to dream of summer when I was a child and the many fun days it would bring. However, once you get to be college age, summer is no longer exciting...instead of swimming, vacations, and sleeping in, I now have a job, class, and studying to look forward to. I don't know about you, but nothing about that sounds exciting, thus I was in a crabby mood and was not at all looking forward to summer.
Then this passage from Philippians happened to pop out at me and I decided to make a pact with myself to change my current attitude--to abolish the negativity. Normally when I make up my mind to do something to change myself, I rarely succeed...however, this challenge of mine has been different. It has become more than just a change of heart and attitude; it has become a change in my daily life. Instead of waking up with just enough time to spare to make it to work on time, I now wake up early thanking God for another day--pleased to be alive and to have a chance to bring Him glory. Instead of complaining in my head about all the things that I have to accomplish during the day, I pray for strength, guidance, patience, and passion to help get me through the day (it is amazing what beginning your day with worship music and prayer...and some coffee...can do for your day!) I have even learned to take on a positive attitude at work. My job seems to be one of little significance, yet I have seen the impact that I can have on my fellow employees with my attitude and smile alone...I have also discovered that as meaningless as my job might seem, I can glorify God through it. So, I devote all that I do to Him each and every day. It is just amazing how having a Christ-like attitude can completely turn your life around...it is just so incredibly awesome! That is why I am completely convinced that this is going to be the best summer ever, not because of what I accomplish, but by what God will accomplish in me--what He will teach me, and how He will help me to grow in my faith. It will be the best summer ever, because when it is over, I will not be the same person that I was when it started...I will be changed for the better.
I challenge you to try to incorporate this same 'Christ-like' attitude into your everyday. It will not be easy, and you won't succeed everyday. Yet, I still encourage you to try and I know for sure that you will see a change in your heart.
The other night, my family was driving home at night in the middle of a thunderstorm. As I stared through my window and watched the lightning, I was overcome with a sense of peace and awe at the omnipotent power of God, as well as the hope that He provides. Here is a poem that I wrote about that experience:
Now that I have been serious...I thought I would share some godsend that will provide you simultaneously with a giggle...
A few weeks back, I was driving through town on my way back to school. I was very excited because one of my favorite songs, 'Hosanna' by Hillsong, was on the radio...so, I cranked up the volume as high as it went (it is not unusual for me to do this and sing at the top of my lungs when driving)... So, I pulled up to a red stop light waiting for my turn to go. Suddenly a minivan pulled up next to me at the stop light with the driver's side window down. Inside was a 'soccer mom' and some kids in the backseat. The only problem with me jamming to my music in town is that I forget that other people can hear me...especially if their window is rolled down. Anyways, I look over at the 'soccer mom' and she smiles at me, gives me a thumbs up, and mouths the words, "good song," at me... Turning red with embarrassment, I nicely smiled back, gave her a return thumbs up...then turned down the radio and sped off quickly just as the light turned green. Yes, I was a bit embarrassed, but I also smiled inside because I was excited that I knew of one more family who was sharing the love of Christ with their children...it is amazing to see God working through the community even if it is just through a song.
"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus..." -Philippians 2:4-5
This verse has been on my heart recently for one big reason: I want to experience a change of attitude so that I can be more like Christ in my daily living. This verse has pretty much consumed my every thought lately as I have been in a transitional phase from being a college student to being a college student home for the summer. I can honestly say that a month ago I was not at all looking forward to summer. I already knew that it was not going to be exciting...I used to dream of summer when I was a child and the many fun days it would bring. However, once you get to be college age, summer is no longer exciting...instead of swimming, vacations, and sleeping in, I now have a job, class, and studying to look forward to. I don't know about you, but nothing about that sounds exciting, thus I was in a crabby mood and was not at all looking forward to summer.
Then this passage from Philippians happened to pop out at me and I decided to make a pact with myself to change my current attitude--to abolish the negativity. Normally when I make up my mind to do something to change myself, I rarely succeed...however, this challenge of mine has been different. It has become more than just a change of heart and attitude; it has become a change in my daily life. Instead of waking up with just enough time to spare to make it to work on time, I now wake up early thanking God for another day--pleased to be alive and to have a chance to bring Him glory. Instead of complaining in my head about all the things that I have to accomplish during the day, I pray for strength, guidance, patience, and passion to help get me through the day (it is amazing what beginning your day with worship music and prayer...and some coffee...can do for your day!) I have even learned to take on a positive attitude at work. My job seems to be one of little significance, yet I have seen the impact that I can have on my fellow employees with my attitude and smile alone...I have also discovered that as meaningless as my job might seem, I can glorify God through it. So, I devote all that I do to Him each and every day. It is just amazing how having a Christ-like attitude can completely turn your life around...it is just so incredibly awesome! That is why I am completely convinced that this is going to be the best summer ever, not because of what I accomplish, but by what God will accomplish in me--what He will teach me, and how He will help me to grow in my faith. It will be the best summer ever, because when it is over, I will not be the same person that I was when it started...I will be changed for the better.
I challenge you to try to incorporate this same 'Christ-like' attitude into your everyday. It will not be easy, and you won't succeed everyday. Yet, I still encourage you to try and I know for sure that you will see a change in your heart.
The other night, my family was driving home at night in the middle of a thunderstorm. As I stared through my window and watched the lightning, I was overcome with a sense of peace and awe at the omnipotent power of God, as well as the hope that He provides. Here is a poem that I wrote about that experience:
The whites of her eyes stare back at her through panes of glass
as she peers aimlessly at boundless skies of ebony.
It gazes back at her
emanating a deepest emptiness.
With a radiant flare the sky comes alive
and it serenades her.
Her heart fleets
as her pulse begins to quicken.
With each recurrent blaze of the sky her soul finds rhythm
and she joins in its opus.
A delicate grin sweeps across her coral cheeks
as an unexplainable peace overwhelms her.
Her heartbeat subsides
and her pulse slows.
Her eyes no longer stare aimlessly
and the sky no longer appears empty.
Her soul continues on singing the tune
as the sky flickers—illuminating the distance.
Now that I have been serious...I thought I would share some godsend that will provide you simultaneously with a giggle...
A few weeks back, I was driving through town on my way back to school. I was very excited because one of my favorite songs, 'Hosanna' by Hillsong, was on the radio...so, I cranked up the volume as high as it went (it is not unusual for me to do this and sing at the top of my lungs when driving)... So, I pulled up to a red stop light waiting for my turn to go. Suddenly a minivan pulled up next to me at the stop light with the driver's side window down. Inside was a 'soccer mom' and some kids in the backseat. The only problem with me jamming to my music in town is that I forget that other people can hear me...especially if their window is rolled down. Anyways, I look over at the 'soccer mom' and she smiles at me, gives me a thumbs up, and mouths the words, "good song," at me... Turning red with embarrassment, I nicely smiled back, gave her a return thumbs up...then turned down the radio and sped off quickly just as the light turned green. Yes, I was a bit embarrassed, but I also smiled inside because I was excited that I knew of one more family who was sharing the love of Christ with their children...it is amazing to see God working through the community even if it is just through a song.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Honey I'm Home
Well, it's been a while since I have posted...that could be due to the fact that the past few weeks of school were rather mundane and lacked eventfulness thanks to studying for finals and packing...
But, now I'm home. Home sweet home. It wasn't sweet for long though...
Only 3 days after being home I had sinus surgery. Don't fret! It actually was relatively painless and again, uneventful. The best part of the surgery was actually the pretty ice pack ("princess crown") that I got to strap around my forehead and the beautiful gauze "moustache" that I sported under my nose for 4 days...I looked utterly ridiculous, but hey, who cares?!
Another funny part of surgery day happened when I was waiting in my hospital bed for my turn for the operating room (and let me tell you, those hospital beds are so comfortable...I'm pretty sure they are comparable to a TempurPedic or Sleep Number or something like that...) Anyways, I was just chilling when all of a sudden 'Man I Feel Like a Woman' by Shania Twain randomly popped into my head and began to play itself over and over...and over! The weird thing is that I haven't even heard that song in a good 9 years, so I'm not really sure what prompted it to enter into my brain at that exact moment. Then ironically, that same song began playing on the radio...this of course made me chuckle. I then began to have a contest with myself to entertain myself while I waited. I played 'Name the lyrics of Shania Twain songs.' It's crazy because I used to know every word of every song of hers...and here I was laying there and it was all I could do to remember the next line of the chorus of 'Honey I'm Home.' Ultimately, I won the game against myself, finally remembering the lyrics to the chorus, which consequently also got stuck in my head. I was hoping that when I woke up from surgery the song would be gone from my head...unfortunately for me, it was not. I woke up in recovery singing, "Honey I'm home and I had a hard day, pour me a cold one and oh by the way, rub my feet give me something to eat, fix me up my favorite treat..." Don't worry, I'll spare you by not typing out the second half of the chorus because by now, I'm sure I have sparked your memory and now the song is stuck in your head...because it sure is stuck in mine now! I think I will let it serenade me to sleep now...hopefully it will be unstuck from my noggin by morning!
But, now I'm home. Home sweet home. It wasn't sweet for long though...
Only 3 days after being home I had sinus surgery. Don't fret! It actually was relatively painless and again, uneventful. The best part of the surgery was actually the pretty ice pack ("princess crown") that I got to strap around my forehead and the beautiful gauze "moustache" that I sported under my nose for 4 days...I looked utterly ridiculous, but hey, who cares?!
Another funny part of surgery day happened when I was waiting in my hospital bed for my turn for the operating room (and let me tell you, those hospital beds are so comfortable...I'm pretty sure they are comparable to a TempurPedic or Sleep Number or something like that...) Anyways, I was just chilling when all of a sudden 'Man I Feel Like a Woman' by Shania Twain randomly popped into my head and began to play itself over and over...and over! The weird thing is that I haven't even heard that song in a good 9 years, so I'm not really sure what prompted it to enter into my brain at that exact moment. Then ironically, that same song began playing on the radio...this of course made me chuckle. I then began to have a contest with myself to entertain myself while I waited. I played 'Name the lyrics of Shania Twain songs.' It's crazy because I used to know every word of every song of hers...and here I was laying there and it was all I could do to remember the next line of the chorus of 'Honey I'm Home.' Ultimately, I won the game against myself, finally remembering the lyrics to the chorus, which consequently also got stuck in my head. I was hoping that when I woke up from surgery the song would be gone from my head...unfortunately for me, it was not. I woke up in recovery singing, "Honey I'm home and I had a hard day, pour me a cold one and oh by the way, rub my feet give me something to eat, fix me up my favorite treat..." Don't worry, I'll spare you by not typing out the second half of the chorus because by now, I'm sure I have sparked your memory and now the song is stuck in your head...because it sure is stuck in mine now! I think I will let it serenade me to sleep now...hopefully it will be unstuck from my noggin by morning!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Why did the ________ cross the road?
Today I am feeling a bit like Noah...only the animals that are following me, only follow me when I am driving...in my car.
Let's back up a little bit...
Yesterday I was taking a pleasant little drive to the art building when a small flock of birds decided that the middle of the road would be a fabulous place to rest their feathered butts...well, most of them were smart when they saw my car speeding towards them at 35 mph and they flew away...but sadly, one did not. That little bird quickly became a casualty of my left front tire... Ironically, I had a bird fly into my windshield 3 weeks ago...only I was going 70 mph...yes, that bird died too.
That's not even all...
Next I was driving around town when a squirrel suddenly ran across the road, then stopped, went the other way, then turned around and ran the other way in front of my car. I slammed on my brakes as my friends sat in the car screaming at me not to hit it. My car came to a complete stop giving everyone in the car whiplash...
We weren't sure if we had hit the squirrel or not so on the way back we checked the road...lucky for us, the squirrel escaped unscathed.
I was driving somewhere else today when a random turkey decided to cross the road...needless to say, I slammed on the brakes and came to a very slow rolling stop as it took its sweet time getting to the other side. That turkey was lucky...it escaped the clutches of death...this time anyways...maybe it will re-visit me next Thanksgiving...
Finally, on my return trip home, my friends and I were laughing about the mass number of "animal in the road" experiences I have had recently... Jokingly, we decided it would be really ironic if I hit a deer...that would happen to me...especially on a day like today. Anyways, ironically, we did see 3 deer on the way home...lucky for us, they all decided to not cross the road as I was passing them.
So, all in all, that makes 2 birds, 1 turkey, 1 squirrel, and 3 deer that have recently been in the face of danger thanks to my car...2 casualties, and 5 near casualties...hopefully this doesn't become a common occurrence...
Let's back up a little bit...
Yesterday I was taking a pleasant little drive to the art building when a small flock of birds decided that the middle of the road would be a fabulous place to rest their feathered butts...well, most of them were smart when they saw my car speeding towards them at 35 mph and they flew away...but sadly, one did not. That little bird quickly became a casualty of my left front tire... Ironically, I had a bird fly into my windshield 3 weeks ago...only I was going 70 mph...yes, that bird died too.
That's not even all...
Next I was driving around town when a squirrel suddenly ran across the road, then stopped, went the other way, then turned around and ran the other way in front of my car. I slammed on my brakes as my friends sat in the car screaming at me not to hit it. My car came to a complete stop giving everyone in the car whiplash...
We weren't sure if we had hit the squirrel or not so on the way back we checked the road...lucky for us, the squirrel escaped unscathed.
I was driving somewhere else today when a random turkey decided to cross the road...needless to say, I slammed on the brakes and came to a very slow rolling stop as it took its sweet time getting to the other side. That turkey was lucky...it escaped the clutches of death...this time anyways...maybe it will re-visit me next Thanksgiving...
Finally, on my return trip home, my friends and I were laughing about the mass number of "animal in the road" experiences I have had recently... Jokingly, we decided it would be really ironic if I hit a deer...that would happen to me...especially on a day like today. Anyways, ironically, we did see 3 deer on the way home...lucky for us, they all decided to not cross the road as I was passing them.
So, all in all, that makes 2 birds, 1 turkey, 1 squirrel, and 3 deer that have recently been in the face of danger thanks to my car...2 casualties, and 5 near casualties...hopefully this doesn't become a common occurrence...
Friday, April 9, 2010
A Series of Unfortunate Events...
Last night (or should I say early this morning...?) was rather interesting. So...I have decided to fill you in on it...I hope you don't mind!
My roommate, Brittany, is an ambassador at our school, so she basically helps recruit new students. So last night, she hosted a perspective student in our room...translation? We had an awkward person I don't know come and share our living quarters...awkward, yes, but interesting...
Last night I was very much sleepy. Let me fill you in on a little unknown secret of mine...when I get tired, I get super delirious (a.k.a. funny to those around me...frustrating for me because I can't do anything right). Well anyways, I was tired and not thinking straight because of it. Thus, I began the night with a speech impediment. Everything I tried to say, came out wrong, which was funny and frustrating at the same time. I was speaking in spoonerisms unintentionally. My roommate seemed to think it was funny...me?...not so much. But, just wait...the night gets better.
I then decided to eat a Pizza Lunchable (so delicious!) because dinner was an epic fail again...potato salad wasn't cutting it, so I decided to eat a meal that brought me back to the good 'ol days of Elementary School field trips to the zoo...good times. Anyways, the Lunchable was amazing and it made me very much happy!
Shortly after I finished my midnight snack, I was putting my books in my backpack while sitting in my wheely office chair and managed to somehow hit my knee extremely hard against a wall. Yeah, a wall. I still don't understand how I did it, but it hurt something fierce. It was all I could do to blink away tears.
Well next, I got up from my chair and hobbled to the bathroom to brush my teeth for bed. While brushing my teeth I was talking to my roommate and started to laugh, which then sent a lovely waterfall of saliva and toothpaste from my mouth onto the toilet seat below. This was embarrassing enough in itself, but then our awkward guest saw the whole thing happen. Awkward...We of course couldn't stop laughing after that though.
Sounds like an intense night right?...well, there is actually more...
After the teeth brushing incident, I was taking off my socks. In the process of removing my socks I looked at the bathroom floor and discovered what I am pretty sure is the largest human hairball ever in existence. I was totally disgusted by this...I then grabbed a Kleenex and picked it up and threw it away. Then...on my way out of the bathroom I noticed a "stain" on our carpet. I bent down to examine it, only to discover that had just found another hairball that I'm sure beat the record of the one that I had just disposed of...gross.
Finally...before I went to bed, I decided to make a list of my recent events so that I wouldn't forget them and could blog about it the next day. In this process, I was trying to dim the screen on my computer because my roommate and awkward guest were sleeping. As I tried to dim the lights, I accidentally hit the "hibernate" button and my screen went black. I then freaked, thinking that I had lost a homework assignment and my blog that were not saved. It turns out that "hibernate" isn't the same as "off." All documents were safely recovered! Yippee! But,it sure scared me.
I'm afraid that is the end of this series of unfortunate events, but I think it's alright that it ended there...I'm not sure I could have taken much else...
Today, my knee is bruised, my Lunchables are gone, and I'm afraid to walk barefoot around our room for fear of being attacked by giant hairballs.
I guess I'll throw a little godsend in here for you...
This particular scripture has been on my heart tonight:
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." -Philippians 4:8
How true! My series of unfortunate events may have been unfortunate, but how they affect me depends on my attitude towards them. I can let them bring me down and make me upset, or I can find the beauty--the laughter--in them. If I look at those events as unfortunate, but also maybe as a chance that God gave me to laugh at myself, then those things are lovely! I want to do what is lovely! Whatever brings God glory, I will think about such things...even if it means rubbing the bruise on my knee and remembering that God loves me and has given me life on this earth and a chance to laugh at my silly clumsy mistakes. If we can look at negative things in a positive way, then we should. Those are things we should think of, and the way that we should think of them. Note to self: Look for loveliness in all things.
My roommate, Brittany, is an ambassador at our school, so she basically helps recruit new students. So last night, she hosted a perspective student in our room...translation? We had an awkward person I don't know come and share our living quarters...awkward, yes, but interesting...
Last night I was very much sleepy. Let me fill you in on a little unknown secret of mine...when I get tired, I get super delirious (a.k.a. funny to those around me...frustrating for me because I can't do anything right). Well anyways, I was tired and not thinking straight because of it. Thus, I began the night with a speech impediment. Everything I tried to say, came out wrong, which was funny and frustrating at the same time. I was speaking in spoonerisms unintentionally. My roommate seemed to think it was funny...me?...not so much. But, just wait...the night gets better.
I then decided to eat a Pizza Lunchable (so delicious!) because dinner was an epic fail again...potato salad wasn't cutting it, so I decided to eat a meal that brought me back to the good 'ol days of Elementary School field trips to the zoo...good times. Anyways, the Lunchable was amazing and it made me very much happy!
Shortly after I finished my midnight snack, I was putting my books in my backpack while sitting in my wheely office chair and managed to somehow hit my knee extremely hard against a wall. Yeah, a wall. I still don't understand how I did it, but it hurt something fierce. It was all I could do to blink away tears.
Well next, I got up from my chair and hobbled to the bathroom to brush my teeth for bed. While brushing my teeth I was talking to my roommate and started to laugh, which then sent a lovely waterfall of saliva and toothpaste from my mouth onto the toilet seat below. This was embarrassing enough in itself, but then our awkward guest saw the whole thing happen. Awkward...We of course couldn't stop laughing after that though.
Sounds like an intense night right?...well, there is actually more...
After the teeth brushing incident, I was taking off my socks. In the process of removing my socks I looked at the bathroom floor and discovered what I am pretty sure is the largest human hairball ever in existence. I was totally disgusted by this...I then grabbed a Kleenex and picked it up and threw it away. Then...on my way out of the bathroom I noticed a "stain" on our carpet. I bent down to examine it, only to discover that had just found another hairball that I'm sure beat the record of the one that I had just disposed of...gross.
Finally...before I went to bed, I decided to make a list of my recent events so that I wouldn't forget them and could blog about it the next day. In this process, I was trying to dim the screen on my computer because my roommate and awkward guest were sleeping. As I tried to dim the lights, I accidentally hit the "hibernate" button and my screen went black. I then freaked, thinking that I had lost a homework assignment and my blog that were not saved. It turns out that "hibernate" isn't the same as "off." All documents were safely recovered! Yippee! But,it sure scared me.
I'm afraid that is the end of this series of unfortunate events, but I think it's alright that it ended there...I'm not sure I could have taken much else...
Today, my knee is bruised, my Lunchables are gone, and I'm afraid to walk barefoot around our room for fear of being attacked by giant hairballs.
I guess I'll throw a little godsend in here for you...
This particular scripture has been on my heart tonight:
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." -Philippians 4:8
How true! My series of unfortunate events may have been unfortunate, but how they affect me depends on my attitude towards them. I can let them bring me down and make me upset, or I can find the beauty--the laughter--in them. If I look at those events as unfortunate, but also maybe as a chance that God gave me to laugh at myself, then those things are lovely! I want to do what is lovely! Whatever brings God glory, I will think about such things...even if it means rubbing the bruise on my knee and remembering that God loves me and has given me life on this earth and a chance to laugh at my silly clumsy mistakes. If we can look at negative things in a positive way, then we should. Those are things we should think of, and the way that we should think of them. Note to self: Look for loveliness in all things.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Having My Cake, and Eating it Too!

So, I know I haven't written in a while...but, nothing too interesting has been happening in my life. However, today was different...today was interesting...and, today just happened to be the anniversary of my birth!
I didn't think that today would be any different than any other day...even though it was my birthday. Boy, was I wrong! The thought of making a 6 hour long journey to the great state of Texas didn't really seem like the greatest way to celebrate such a wonderful day...but, it turned out to be one of the greatest birthdays ever...and this is why:
1. I got to spend 6 hours relaxing (a.k.a. sleeping) and chilling in close proximity with the people that I love the most--my family.
2. I got to spend quality time with my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins.
3. I officially have the greatest uncles ever because they threw me a surprise Hannah Montana birthday party! (complete with Hannah Montana napkins, plates, and yes, tattoos!) They sure know their 19 year old niece quite well! ;)
4. I ate HOME COOKED food...until my stomach hurt!
5. I got to laugh harder than I have laughed in a very long time.
I have realized a lot of things today as a result of all of this. First, I realized that there is so much more to birthdays than presents. As I looked at the pile of birthday cards on the table, I had to chuckle because I am no longer 5 anymore. I no longer get piles of presents wrapped in prismatic wrapping paper that are hiding the latest Barbie dolls...no, now I get birthday cards...gone are the days of presents. But, that's okay. I have realized through the years that birthdays really aren't about presents at all. Actually, even when I used to receive presents when I was younger, I was initially very happy...the same goes for Christmas. But, once the opening of presents is over, it seems like I am always left feeling empty...wanting more. It's the same with our relationship with God. There are so many people that spend their lives chasing after their dreams and pursuing success...yet, once they achieve those goals, they set new ones--everything they seem to accomplish is never enough. That is because they are pursuing their goals and not the goals of God. Without truly living in relationship with God, these people will never feel full...they will always be seeking and pursing more.
Likewise, birthdays are not about presents. They are about celebrating the gift of life that God has so graciously blessed us with. Birthdays are about being surrounded by those we love and being in relationship with them. Birthdays are not about the presents at all.
There is one present though, that we have all received, and ironically...I received a reminder of that present on my birthday. Today is Good Friday. On this day when the one and only Holy Life was given to save us from our sins, mine began. How beautiful! Christ gave His life for me that I might live! Today has been glorious! I am so so blessed!
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." -Psalm 118:24
Today I had my cake and ate it too.
Today marked the first day of the last year of me being a teenager.
Today marked the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun...and I'm choosing to enjoy that trip, because Christ gave it all that I might live!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I'm Courtney and I'm directionally challenged...and I'm no longer afraid to admit it.
I can't get anywhere without getting completely and utterly disoriented and plain lost.
But...let me tell you...there is hope!
Today, I got an early birthday present...yes, a 2 week early birthday present...
It was a GPS!!! Now I can no longer possibly get lost again right?...well, we'll see I guess! It's a pretty good sign though that I am even more directionally challenged than I originally thought seeing as my parents thought I needed the GPS 2 weeks early...
Oh well...gone are the days of questioning each and every turn I make...gone are the days of being afraid to seek out new destinations...gone are the days of calling my dad blubbering and sobbing in need of directions because I managed to get myself lost again...gone are all of those days!
Today starts a new chapter in my life! A chapter without fear! A chapter in which I am not afraid to take on any adventure! Bring on the open road!
Godsend moment you ask?...always!
"'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the LORD, 'and will bring you back from captivity...'" -Jeremiah 29:13-14a
Many times we are afraid to seek God, just like we can be afraid when we get lost driving somewhere new. But, we don't have to be lost when we have God. He is our GPS if we allow Him to be--always leading us in the right direction. If we put all of our trust in Him and seek with all of our heart, we can never get lost...He will find us always, rescuing us from being lost. Put your faith in God--let Him be your GPS--He will never disappoint you or lead you astray. We may have once been lost, but in Him, we are found!
I can't get anywhere without getting completely and utterly disoriented and plain lost.
But...let me tell you...there is hope!
Today, I got an early birthday present...yes, a 2 week early birthday present...
It was a GPS!!! Now I can no longer possibly get lost again right?...well, we'll see I guess! It's a pretty good sign though that I am even more directionally challenged than I originally thought seeing as my parents thought I needed the GPS 2 weeks early...
Oh well...gone are the days of questioning each and every turn I make...gone are the days of being afraid to seek out new destinations...gone are the days of calling my dad blubbering and sobbing in need of directions because I managed to get myself lost again...gone are all of those days!
Today starts a new chapter in my life! A chapter without fear! A chapter in which I am not afraid to take on any adventure! Bring on the open road!
Godsend moment you ask?...always!
"'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the LORD, 'and will bring you back from captivity...'" -Jeremiah 29:13-14a
Many times we are afraid to seek God, just like we can be afraid when we get lost driving somewhere new. But, we don't have to be lost when we have God. He is our GPS if we allow Him to be--always leading us in the right direction. If we put all of our trust in Him and seek with all of our heart, we can never get lost...He will find us always, rescuing us from being lost. Put your faith in God--let Him be your GPS--He will never disappoint you or lead you astray. We may have once been lost, but in Him, we are found!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Adventures in...Cooking?!
Adventures in cooking you say?
Yes, that's right. Today I had quite a cooking adventure.
And, no, I know that you are wondering, but I did NOT make muffins...I in fact, made grilled cheese!
Now, let's just say that I am by no means a Martha Stewart, a Paula Deen, or a Rachael Ray...my idea of cooking is macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese, and on a really good day, sometimes I'll make homemade pizza (with a pre-made crust of course!)
But, today I was feeling like a grilled cheese...but...I was also feeling like adding my own flair to this grilled cheese of mine...this is what happened:
The only bread available at my disposal happened to be the most severely freezer-burnt loaf of bread that I have ever witnessed viewing in my life...let alone eating. So...I picked two pieces of bread from the middle of the loaf that seemed to be a little more pliable than the rest... I then sprayed them lightly with cooking spray (much better than using butter...let me tell you...) and placed them on the griddle. I then placed my cheese on the bread and began to wait. I should probably add that I was trying to be the next Rachael Ray and get creative with my food so I decided that I would use a slice of Gouda rather than the pre-packaged processed yellow American cheese that we call cheese. So about two minutes into cooking my grilled cheese (and after flipping it several times)...I realized that the bread was looking quite tan, but my "slice" of Gouda was sliced a little to thick to ever melt before my bread would burn...thus trying to be like Rachael Ray was an epic failure.
I then quickly removed my chunk of cheese from the bread and disposed of it and then I placed one of those pre-packaged processed yellow American cheese slices (which are just the right thickness I might add) on my bread...trying desperately to save the bread. Success! I made a grilled cheese...
What did I learn from this experience you ask?
First, freezer-burnt bread makes the best grilled cheese ever...seriously.
Second, there really is nothing wrong with that pre-packaged processed yellow American cheese...use it...it will make your life easy.
Third, if you are anything like me, I've decided it might be best to just avoid trying to be the world's next "cake boss" or anything like that and just stick to the norm and prepare food according to it's age old recipe...the norm is somewhat safe for me...
My godsend moment from this experience you ask...well I have one...I do. And here it is:
"I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." -Psalm 139:14
This verse really stood out to me today and it tied directly to my cooking disaster...although I can make fun of myself for having no talent in cooking whatsoever, God still loves me because I am who He created me to be. In His eyes I am fearfully and wonderfully made. He loves me no matter if I can cook or not. This is who He created me to be...and the only thing that I can do is laugh at this creation that He has created me to be, and know that He will love this creation no matter what...THAT is something to praise!
Yes, that's right. Today I had quite a cooking adventure.
And, no, I know that you are wondering, but I did NOT make muffins...I in fact, made grilled cheese!
Now, let's just say that I am by no means a Martha Stewart, a Paula Deen, or a Rachael Ray...my idea of cooking is macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese, and on a really good day, sometimes I'll make homemade pizza (with a pre-made crust of course!)
But, today I was feeling like a grilled cheese...but...I was also feeling like adding my own flair to this grilled cheese of mine...this is what happened:
The only bread available at my disposal happened to be the most severely freezer-burnt loaf of bread that I have ever witnessed viewing in my life...let alone eating. So...I picked two pieces of bread from the middle of the loaf that seemed to be a little more pliable than the rest... I then sprayed them lightly with cooking spray (much better than using butter...let me tell you...) and placed them on the griddle. I then placed my cheese on the bread and began to wait. I should probably add that I was trying to be the next Rachael Ray and get creative with my food so I decided that I would use a slice of Gouda rather than the pre-packaged processed yellow American cheese that we call cheese. So about two minutes into cooking my grilled cheese (and after flipping it several times)...I realized that the bread was looking quite tan, but my "slice" of Gouda was sliced a little to thick to ever melt before my bread would burn...thus trying to be like Rachael Ray was an epic failure.
I then quickly removed my chunk of cheese from the bread and disposed of it and then I placed one of those pre-packaged processed yellow American cheese slices (which are just the right thickness I might add) on my bread...trying desperately to save the bread. Success! I made a grilled cheese...
What did I learn from this experience you ask?
First, freezer-burnt bread makes the best grilled cheese ever...seriously.
Second, there really is nothing wrong with that pre-packaged processed yellow American cheese...use it...it will make your life easy.
Third, if you are anything like me, I've decided it might be best to just avoid trying to be the world's next "cake boss" or anything like that and just stick to the norm and prepare food according to it's age old recipe...the norm is somewhat safe for me...
My godsend moment from this experience you ask...well I have one...I do. And here it is:
"I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." -Psalm 139:14
This verse really stood out to me today and it tied directly to my cooking disaster...although I can make fun of myself for having no talent in cooking whatsoever, God still loves me because I am who He created me to be. In His eyes I am fearfully and wonderfully made. He loves me no matter if I can cook or not. This is who He created me to be...and the only thing that I can do is laugh at this creation that He has created me to be, and know that He will love this creation no matter what...THAT is something to praise!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
An Average Day in the Life of a Cotton-Headed-Ninny-Muggins...
The worst thing?
A muffin...
Let's rewind a little through the events of my day...
Today, I was headed off to one of my art classes. Sounds exciting right?! It was not...and here is why:
I was driving...all of the three blocks off campus to the art building.
That was my first mistake...it was a beautiful day and I was lazy and drove my car.
On my way there, I was trying to be a race car driver or something and rounded the corner too fast and spilled the valued contents of my beloved art "tackle box." (haha...right?!...wrong...that is not all...)
I think this was karma for hurting the environment on such a lovely day.
I pulled into the parking lot where I spent some time grumping as I tried to put my things back together. I then lost four of those nifty pencils that are made especially for drawing...because apparently regular pencils suck too much to draw with? I lost them in the magical crevice--the "no man's land"--where things don't ever come back...you lose your cell phone there when you're driving in a lot of traffic...or sometimes you find 3-year old french fries down there when you clean your car once in a while...yeah, that crevice.
I got out of the car...(this is the funniest part I swear...not for me though...)
When I stepped out of the car so I could try to rescue my pencils from the seat that had eaten them...I stepped in...
A puddle?
No...it was a muffin.
A muffin you say?
Yes, a muffin...as in, "Do you know the Muffin Man?"
Yes...he must not have done his job well today because he lost one in the parking lot...right next to my car.
And yes, shoe in a brand new muffin...in the middle of a deserted parking lot...
I guess you could call me a "Cotton-Headed-Ninny-Muffins!"...
That's not even all of the events of my day...oh no...it doesn't stop there...
I then (as I was pouting...) walked into the art building while also attempting to scrape the entire muffin that had gotten itself stuck on the sole of my shoe off onto the grass. Once I got to the art building I gathered my bearings from the events of the previous few minutes and started trying to mentally prepare myself for the fact that I would be drawing cardboard boxes for the next 2 hours...
Then...I realized that I needed gum.
As I went to get my gum (which is located in my purse...) I realized that I had either forgotten my purse back in my dorm room or I had somehow forgotten it in my car...
I went to check my car...and there it was.
On the seat.
Where I had forgotten it due to the fact that all of my attention had been focused on the fact that I had just stepped in a muffin...
Surprisingly, that's still not all...there's more...
Not only had I suffered enough earlier in the afternoon, but then I went to dinner...
Dinner should be a simple and easy endeavor right?!...not for me...
I started off dinner not too ecstatic at all about the food options...
I decided I would try the interesting Asian pasta being served. I took one bite and realized that the sauce had peanut butter in it...a lot of peanut butter...not a good option for someone with an allergy to peanuts...thus, my first dinner attempt fail.
Second try...I got a Reuben sandwich...seems safe right? Not.
The sandwich had been prepared beforehand (at least 1 hour before it ended up on my plate for consumption). Let's just say that sauerkraut = wet...bread = porous... + at least 1 hour of time = 1 very soggy sandwich. Can I hear a "yuck!?"
Third attempt at eating...
I then decided that I would try eating curly fries...who messes up curly fries? They are an American standard you know? How could you possibly mess them up?!
Well, anyways, they were very fresh (a.k.a. too hot for consumption) and quite soggy (a.k.a. not crispy)...Ewwww.
Fourth attempt to eat food...
I had a Calzone...should have been tasty, but...nothing in my life can possibly run smoothly...
The Calzone had been cooked too quickly, thus it was still doughy and the cheese was not even melted.
Fifth (and final) attempt to put some kind of edible contents in my growling stomach...
I finally gave up and toasted myself some raisin bread and put cinnamon sugar on top...I then finished off with not one, but 2 servings of vanilla ice cream topped with copious amounts of rainbow sprinkles!
Let's just say the ice cream crunched when I ate it...I like sprinkles...
Some healthy dinner I had...
So...4 plates, 2 forks, 1 spoon, 3 cups, and 1 hour later...I had finally put food in my tummy.
I don't want to at all put down our cafeteria staff in any way...they are great...I just didn't have a whole lot of luck with dinner tonight...and I have a feeling that I think I'll end up in the snack bar later eating a grilled cheese...Mmmmm....
So, that definitely isn't all of the "Ninny-Muggin" moments of my day...but it certainly is the "better" ones...(depending on whose side of the story you are looking at...)
You're probably thinking that I had a bad day on account of these events...
I want to inform you that your assumptions are incorrect.
Despite these slight...setbacks...I actually had a decent day. Is it sad that despite such sucky events I still had a really good day?!
I think not.
That's something to praise.
Courtney's life-lesson/epiphany of the day: "There is in fact positive in every negative situation...even if it is only a giggle after the fact.
Don't let life get you down.
Embrace the sucky events of each and every day because you never get another day like today. This is the only March 9, 2010 ever and I had the opportunity to live it!...I'll never get another today.
S**T happens...so we better start getting used to it."
But thankfully, we have the Lord there with us in every battle...no matter how big or how small.
Even when we get frustrated or stressed because we just stepped in a muffin...God is there.
He is comforting us always.
And I will praise His name always...in every battle...in every hardship...in every moment of every day.
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." -Psalm 68:19
He does bear our burdens each and every day. No matter how small.
Cast your anxiety on Him:
"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour..." -1 Peter 5:6-8
Praise God. Cast all of your anxiety on Him no matter how miniscule it may seem...give Him your burdens. If you don't...over time the devil will begin to eat away at you. Don't allow that to happen. Don't allow the devil that foothold in your life.
Most of all, just focus on praising God in each and every storm...no matter if it is as silly as a muffin or as big as depression. Praise God. He is amazing and He allows everything to happen for a reason...even if it is to just give us a little chuckle at the end of our day...
A muffin...
Let's rewind a little through the events of my day...
Today, I was headed off to one of my art classes. Sounds exciting right?! It was not...and here is why:
I was driving...all of the three blocks off campus to the art building.
That was my first mistake...it was a beautiful day and I was lazy and drove my car.
On my way there, I was trying to be a race car driver or something and rounded the corner too fast and spilled the valued contents of my beloved art "tackle box." (haha...right?!...wrong...that is not all...)
I think this was karma for hurting the environment on such a lovely day.
I pulled into the parking lot where I spent some time grumping as I tried to put my things back together. I then lost four of those nifty pencils that are made especially for drawing...because apparently regular pencils suck too much to draw with? I lost them in the magical crevice--the "no man's land"--where things don't ever come back...you lose your cell phone there when you're driving in a lot of traffic...or sometimes you find 3-year old french fries down there when you clean your car once in a while...yeah, that crevice.
I got out of the car...(this is the funniest part I swear...not for me though...)
When I stepped out of the car so I could try to rescue my pencils from the seat that had eaten them...I stepped in...
A puddle?
No...it was a muffin.
A muffin you say?
Yes, a muffin...as in, "Do you know the Muffin Man?"
Yes...he must not have done his job well today because he lost one in the parking lot...right next to my car.
And yes, shoe in a brand new muffin...in the middle of a deserted parking lot...
I guess you could call me a "Cotton-Headed-Ninny-Muffins!"...
That's not even all of the events of my day...oh no...it doesn't stop there...
I then (as I was pouting...) walked into the art building while also attempting to scrape the entire muffin that had gotten itself stuck on the sole of my shoe off onto the grass. Once I got to the art building I gathered my bearings from the events of the previous few minutes and started trying to mentally prepare myself for the fact that I would be drawing cardboard boxes for the next 2 hours...
Then...I realized that I needed gum.
As I went to get my gum (which is located in my purse...) I realized that I had either forgotten my purse back in my dorm room or I had somehow forgotten it in my car...
I went to check my car...and there it was.
On the seat.
Where I had forgotten it due to the fact that all of my attention had been focused on the fact that I had just stepped in a muffin...
Surprisingly, that's still not all...there's more...
Not only had I suffered enough earlier in the afternoon, but then I went to dinner...
Dinner should be a simple and easy endeavor right?!...not for me...
I started off dinner not too ecstatic at all about the food options...
I decided I would try the interesting Asian pasta being served. I took one bite and realized that the sauce had peanut butter in it...a lot of peanut butter...not a good option for someone with an allergy to peanuts...thus, my first dinner attempt fail.
Second try...I got a Reuben sandwich...seems safe right? Not.
The sandwich had been prepared beforehand (at least 1 hour before it ended up on my plate for consumption). Let's just say that sauerkraut = wet...bread = porous... + at least 1 hour of time = 1 very soggy sandwich. Can I hear a "yuck!?"
Third attempt at eating...
I then decided that I would try eating curly fries...who messes up curly fries? They are an American standard you know? How could you possibly mess them up?!
Well, anyways, they were very fresh (a.k.a. too hot for consumption) and quite soggy (a.k.a. not crispy)...Ewwww.
Fourth attempt to eat food...
I had a Calzone...should have been tasty, but...nothing in my life can possibly run smoothly...
The Calzone had been cooked too quickly, thus it was still doughy and the cheese was not even melted.
Fifth (and final) attempt to put some kind of edible contents in my growling stomach...
I finally gave up and toasted myself some raisin bread and put cinnamon sugar on top...I then finished off with not one, but 2 servings of vanilla ice cream topped with copious amounts of rainbow sprinkles!
Let's just say the ice cream crunched when I ate it...I like sprinkles...
Some healthy dinner I had...
So...4 plates, 2 forks, 1 spoon, 3 cups, and 1 hour later...I had finally put food in my tummy.
I don't want to at all put down our cafeteria staff in any way...they are great...I just didn't have a whole lot of luck with dinner tonight...and I have a feeling that I think I'll end up in the snack bar later eating a grilled cheese...Mmmmm....
So, that definitely isn't all of the "Ninny-Muggin" moments of my day...but it certainly is the "better" ones...(depending on whose side of the story you are looking at...)
You're probably thinking that I had a bad day on account of these events...
I want to inform you that your assumptions are incorrect.
Despite these slight...setbacks...I actually had a decent day. Is it sad that despite such sucky events I still had a really good day?!
I think not.
That's something to praise.
Courtney's life-lesson/epiphany of the day: "There is in fact positive in every negative situation...even if it is only a giggle after the fact.
Don't let life get you down.
Embrace the sucky events of each and every day because you never get another day like today. This is the only March 9, 2010 ever and I had the opportunity to live it!...I'll never get another today.
S**T happens...so we better start getting used to it."
But thankfully, we have the Lord there with us in every battle...no matter how big or how small.
Even when we get frustrated or stressed because we just stepped in a muffin...God is there.
He is comforting us always.
And I will praise His name always...in every battle...in every hardship...in every moment of every day.
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." -Psalm 68:19
He does bear our burdens each and every day. No matter how small.
Cast your anxiety on Him:
"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour..." -1 Peter 5:6-8
Praise God. Cast all of your anxiety on Him no matter how miniscule it may seem...give Him your burdens. If you don't...over time the devil will begin to eat away at you. Don't allow that to happen. Don't allow the devil that foothold in your life.
Most of all, just focus on praising God in each and every storm...no matter if it is as silly as a muffin or as big as depression. Praise God. He is amazing and He allows everything to happen for a reason...even if it is to just give us a little chuckle at the end of our day...
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