Okay, so I was bored the other day, so I sat down and compiled a list of 30 things that stand out in my mind as part of my first year as a college student--what an experience that was!
You know you are a college student when:
1. Going to bed at 2:00 in the morning is going to bed “early”
2. Your underwear and sock count dictate when it is time to finally do laundry
3. Eating cheap consists of Ramen Noodles in their many multitude of flavor options
4. Learning to eat your lunch in 10 minutes becomes a competition
5. Breakfast consists of a Rockstar and/or coffee
6. Your trash is overflowing
7. You can make 20 dollars last you for a month
8. You wear flip flops in the shower
9. Going to the library is a social event
10. Your trash is STILL overflowing
11. You have mastered the art of entertaining yourself with a rolling chair
12. You don’t remember the last time you washed your car
13. Procrastination runs your life
14. A bowl of cereal can easily become breakfast, lunch, AND dinner
15. It’s a tossup in the morning between showering or getting an extra 20 minutes of sleep
16. Bicycles are the primary mode of transportation
17. Paper bowls, plates, etc. are the way to go because you are “too busy” to wash dishes
18. Finding out that a class is cancelled makes you almost pee your pants with excitement
19. Everything breaks when you desperately need to use it (printer, microwave, etc.)
20. ALL food can be prepared in the microwave
21. Jeans become considered a means of “dressing up”
22. Watching 'Say Yes to the Dress' is much more entertaining than New Testament homework
23. You get up for class 10 minutes before it starts
24. Sprinting to class is your daily exercise
25. Wearing the same pair of jeans for 5 days in a row is acceptable
26. You’ve been known to not shower for 3 days
27. You’ve pulled more than 2 all-nighters per semester
28. Class size is cut in half on test days
29. Naps are highly anticipated
30. You have plenty of homework or other productive things to do, but you’d rather surf facebook or read this blog
I don't exactly have any godsend that directly relates to this wonderful list...I just know that God has supplies us with humorous experiences to help bring us joy. I'd be surprised if this didn't bring you even a hint of joy, because chances are, this brings back quite a few memories about your own college days...
I will include some godsend though...
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." -Psalm 150:6
This particular scripture has been on my heart for the past week especially since I have dedicated myself to a Christ-like attitude in all that I do. I have realized that it is possible to praise God in everything whether it be happy or sad. We can praise the Lord in all things because He has control of our lives. Everything that happens, happens for a reason. We have no reason to fear...which, is why we should use our breath to praise the Lord each and everyday because He loves and cares for us. The least we can do is thank and praise and glorify His precious name.