Last night (or should I say early this morning...?) was rather interesting. So...I have decided to fill you in on it...I hope you don't mind!
My roommate, Brittany, is an ambassador at our school, so she basically helps recruit new students. So last night, she hosted a perspective student in our room...translation? We had an awkward person I don't know come and share our living quarters...awkward, yes, but interesting...
Last night I was very much sleepy. Let me fill you in on a little unknown secret of mine...when I get tired, I get super delirious (a.k.a. funny to those around me...frustrating for me because I can't do anything right). Well anyways, I was tired and not thinking straight because of it. Thus, I began the night with a speech impediment. Everything I tried to say, came out wrong, which was funny and frustrating at the same time. I was speaking in spoonerisms unintentionally. My roommate seemed to think it was so much. But, just wait...the night gets better.
I then decided to eat a Pizza Lunchable (so delicious!) because dinner was an epic fail again...potato salad wasn't cutting it, so I decided to eat a meal that brought me back to the good 'ol days of Elementary School field trips to the zoo...good times. Anyways, the Lunchable was amazing and it made me very much happy!
Shortly after I finished my midnight snack, I was putting my books in my backpack while sitting in my wheely office chair and managed to somehow hit my knee extremely hard against a wall. Yeah, a wall. I still don't understand how I did it, but it hurt something fierce. It was all I could do to blink away tears.
Well next, I got up from my chair and hobbled to the bathroom to brush my teeth for bed. While brushing my teeth I was talking to my roommate and started to laugh, which then sent a lovely waterfall of saliva and toothpaste from my mouth onto the toilet seat below. This was embarrassing enough in itself, but then our awkward guest saw the whole thing happen. Awkward...We of course couldn't stop laughing after that though.
Sounds like an intense night right?...well, there is actually more...
After the teeth brushing incident, I was taking off my socks. In the process of removing my socks I looked at the bathroom floor and discovered what I am pretty sure is the largest human hairball ever in existence. I was totally disgusted by this...I then grabbed a Kleenex and picked it up and threw it away. Then...on my way out of the bathroom I noticed a "stain" on our carpet. I bent down to examine it, only to discover that had just found another hairball that I'm sure beat the record of the one that I had just disposed of...gross.
Finally...before I went to bed, I decided to make a list of my recent events so that I wouldn't forget them and could blog about it the next day. In this process, I was trying to dim the screen on my computer because my roommate and awkward guest were sleeping. As I tried to dim the lights, I accidentally hit the "hibernate" button and my screen went black. I then freaked, thinking that I had lost a homework assignment and my blog that were not saved. It turns out that "hibernate" isn't the same as "off." All documents were safely recovered! Yippee! But,it sure scared me.
I'm afraid that is the end of this series of unfortunate events, but I think it's alright that it ended there...I'm not sure I could have taken much else...
Today, my knee is bruised, my Lunchables are gone, and I'm afraid to walk barefoot around our room for fear of being attacked by giant hairballs.
I guess I'll throw a little godsend in here for you...
This particular scripture has been on my heart tonight:
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." -Philippians 4:8
How true! My series of unfortunate events may have been unfortunate, but how they affect me depends on my attitude towards them. I can let them bring me down and make me upset, or I can find the beauty--the laughter--in them. If I look at those events as unfortunate, but also maybe as a chance that God gave me to laugh at myself, then those things are lovely! I want to do what is lovely! Whatever brings God glory, I will think about such things...even if it means rubbing the bruise on my knee and remembering that God loves me and has given me life on this earth and a chance to laugh at my silly clumsy mistakes. If we can look at negative things in a positive way, then we should. Those are things we should think of, and the way that we should think of them. Note to self: Look for loveliness in all things.
Welcome to a place of random funny things that happen to me as well as epiphanies and life lessons I gain from those experiences. It is a place where I can share my faith, but also spread laughter and cheer...
Friday, April 9, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Having My Cake, and Eating it Too!

So, I know I haven't written in a while...but, nothing too interesting has been happening in my life. However, today was was interesting...and, today just happened to be the anniversary of my birth!
I didn't think that today would be any different than any other day...even though it was my birthday. Boy, was I wrong! The thought of making a 6 hour long journey to the great state of Texas didn't really seem like the greatest way to celebrate such a wonderful day...but, it turned out to be one of the greatest birthdays ever...and this is why:
1. I got to spend 6 hours relaxing (a.k.a. sleeping) and chilling in close proximity with the people that I love the most--my family.
2. I got to spend quality time with my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins.
3. I officially have the greatest uncles ever because they threw me a surprise Hannah Montana birthday party! (complete with Hannah Montana napkins, plates, and yes, tattoos!) They sure know their 19 year old niece quite well! ;)
4. I ate HOME COOKED food...until my stomach hurt!
5. I got to laugh harder than I have laughed in a very long time.
I have realized a lot of things today as a result of all of this. First, I realized that there is so much more to birthdays than presents. As I looked at the pile of birthday cards on the table, I had to chuckle because I am no longer 5 anymore. I no longer get piles of presents wrapped in prismatic wrapping paper that are hiding the latest Barbie, now I get birthday cards...gone are the days of presents. But, that's okay. I have realized through the years that birthdays really aren't about presents at all. Actually, even when I used to receive presents when I was younger, I was initially very happy...the same goes for Christmas. But, once the opening of presents is over, it seems like I am always left feeling empty...wanting more. It's the same with our relationship with God. There are so many people that spend their lives chasing after their dreams and pursuing success...yet, once they achieve those goals, they set new ones--everything they seem to accomplish is never enough. That is because they are pursuing their goals and not the goals of God. Without truly living in relationship with God, these people will never feel full...they will always be seeking and pursing more.
Likewise, birthdays are not about presents. They are about celebrating the gift of life that God has so graciously blessed us with. Birthdays are about being surrounded by those we love and being in relationship with them. Birthdays are not about the presents at all.
There is one present though, that we have all received, and ironically...I received a reminder of that present on my birthday. Today is Good Friday. On this day when the one and only Holy Life was given to save us from our sins, mine began. How beautiful! Christ gave His life for me that I might live! Today has been glorious! I am so so blessed!
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." -Psalm 118:24
Today I had my cake and ate it too.
Today marked the first day of the last year of me being a teenager.
Today marked the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun...and I'm choosing to enjoy that trip, because Christ gave it all that I might live!
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